My skin | Teen Ink

My skin

March 6, 2023
By ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

My skin is numb 

From the belt and your hand

From the random thing you grab

From your anger

Am I going to survive?

That’s what I asked myself every time

If I talk too loud I bleed

If I laugh I get pain

If I’m happy I get destroyed 

How can I win?

Everything I do makes you beat me

Your words hurt more than your fist

Your fist at least I didn’t feel


It was just numb

Your words are just stuck there

Like the bruises

I know you hate me but 

Please let me breathe 

Please let me live 

I promise I’ll do better

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