windswept | Teen Ink


April 17, 2023
By soha_goespoet05 BRONZE, Franklin Square, New York
soha_goespoet05 BRONZE, Franklin Square, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“ Life can be heavy, especially if you try to carry it all at once. Part of growing up and moving into new chapters of your life is about catch and release. Decide what is yours to hold and let the rest go.”
-Taylor Swift

was it her charming, innocent demeanor

that kept you falling at her feet?

or was it her wit and sharp tongue,

always ready with a biting remark?

you say you know her like no one does,

but why have you failed to notice

her clandestine getaways?

as she sneaks off,

into the dead of the night,

to do what no one knows, but her?

while I stay watching,

silently in the corner, 

as you dig yourself deeper 

into your plight.

you cannot say i did not warn you.

you say you know her like no one else does,

but no one knows her like i do.

she puts forth quite a display

you see, of a magnificent flower,

ever so charming, 

with such a sweet, sweet smell.

one whiff

and you’ll instantly crave more.

but a flower can only flourish for so long,

until its petals begin to wilt.

then shrivel,

in the icy winds of the harsh winter, 

leaving its remains vulnerable.

its glamour gone.

the earth takes back

what it gave not so long ago.

you prodded and you poked,

and that was your fatal mistake.

and though you may not know it yet,

you’ve awoken a great beast.

you have inhaled the poison 

of the magnificent flower,

welcoming the mask it wore,

oblivious to the fate 

you have just sealed. 

my dear friend,

why must you be so foolish?

i swear it,

my only intent was to protect you,

yet i have failed.

my only regret was 

allowing you to think 

you could be content like this.

but you are too far gone,

and i cannot reach for you anymore.

i cannot relive the darkness

that I have long left behind.

as i am forced to watch 

your cruel fate unravel,

i’m sorry i wasn’t there

 to save you sooner.

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