I Feel With the Earth | Teen Ink

I Feel With the Earth

June 20, 2023
By pareesaislam SILVER, New York City, New York
pareesaislam SILVER, New York City, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Rupi Kaur - "I want to apologize to all the women I have called beautiful before I've called them intelligent or brave."

I feel everything entirely too much to the point in which it spills out of the crevasses and craters of myself

I feel things in too powerful of a way

That it often shocks me too, and i wonder how people who have the privilege of witnessing feel

Does it feel like a gush of cold wind on your face in summer

Or does it feel like stepping into an icy puddle in winter


Maybe it feels like burning under the hot sun and letting nothing stop it because what is nature if not healing?

Does my overbearing ability to feel everything rival with the overbearing nakedness of nature?

And will it heal you the same way, is it beautiful in the same way, or is it ugly in the same way?

The author's comments:

Often my poetry inspired by the closeness of humans and nature. Human nature can be compared to all parts of nature. 

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