Forgive and Forget. | Teen Ink

Forgive and Forget.

September 15, 2023
By Anonymous

Forgive and Forget. 

Sometimes I wish that I could  forget.

How I felt that day looking at your 

Face, remembering what our past

Once looked like, and hoping I would be able to forgive

You for what you did. But you did it to yourself;

You made that decision yourself, and 

You can’t take it back. Though you want to begin 

A new chapter, thinking it will be the same again.

Who knows you might be right,

But in this moment I can’t look at you.

The author's comments:

This poem is about heartbreak and betrayal. It shows how I felt in a specific situation and how I felt about that person and that situation. Kind of showing and realizing that it was not my fault for what happened and that people will make choices in life and it won't be the right choice but there is nothing you can do about it because it wasn't your fault for what happened.  

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