You Have Changed | Teen Ink

You Have Changed

February 6, 2024
By Anonymous

I am better than I was. 

I realized I can be a sweetheart and I have some potential. I realized that the things that hurt your heart the most can fix your vision on everything. I realized no matter what happens it WILL and CAN always work out in the end. I realized that I actually am so worthy of love and full of it. I realized sometimes being soft is being strong. I realized just because it is different doesnt mean it won't be okay. I realize that yes the world’s glory is tainted, but I still love it. I noticed as the world gets darker you must get brighter. I realized “We only live once" is false. We only die once, we live every day. I realized I should no longer be mad at myself for giving love to the wrong people (they are probably the ones who needed it most). I realized change is good and I AM CHANGED. I realized “trust the plan God has for you” is no cliche, it is real. He is real. 


“You have changed.” Sure, but I have never been more myself. 

The author's comments:

I went though a lot recently when it came to loosing friends, family, and felt isolated for a long time. I was in a very toxic environment with some of these people that are no longer a part of my life, and I was in a dark place. I took 5 months to work on myself and came to many realizations. 

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