Reality | Teen Ink


June 5, 2024
By TokaTurtle BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
TokaTurtle BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up every day and doing the same things, all in the same pattern. Same time, same place, every single day. What is the point of it? Waking up every morning just to do the exact same thing every single day. You wake up, go to school, eat, shower, sleep, and that’s the life they give you. But every life has a meaning, right? You just don’t see it yet - Not until you can achieve the impossible. Beep beep beep beep. There goes that alarm noise again. You hear it every day, and you know it means that it is time to wake up and go to a place where they drain you mentally and physically to the point where you don’t even know why you exist. But of course, what can you do? It’s what your parents decide for you, so you have no choice but to play along. You go to school, you go to work, you retire, you die. We have to make money to survive, and to make money we have to work for a company that only cares about what is in it for them, pulling you into their little trap every single day. But what’s so bad about it? It’s what humans have been doing for centuries, and so will you. Hitting snooze no longer does anything. It just reminds you that there is becoming less and less time for you to be at peace in your own mind. Cause that’s what sleeping does. It brings you into a reality in which you know is not real, but in the moment, you aren’t sure you even have a clue about the thoughts going through that head of yours. Everyone’s dreams mean something they say. That is why I wish I could dream all the time. If I dream forever, maybe then I can actually find the reason why we are really here. 

The author's comments:

Slam poem about the reality we live in, how life is a pattern and how society has shaped us out to be. 

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