Summer Night | Teen Ink

Summer Night

September 16, 2009
By Rainyday65 BRONZE, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey
Rainyday65 BRONZE, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her words sprang out of her mouth
and were cut in midair.
Out of the halves jumped colors,
daydreams, hopes, fears.
Smiles, tears, frowns, laughter.
Sunny days, rainy days, wind, music.
Love, memories, hate, imaginings, daydreams.
Triumphs, losses, stories, poems, ideas.
And as quickly as her words had come,
they exploded into a shower of bright colors,
like the night they had spent sitting next to each other,
holding hands, watching the fireworks burst into the silent black sky.
And he was amazed.

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This article has 1 comment.

rimelb said...
on Sep. 25 2009 at 8:45 am
I think the picture you chose to accompany this poem is great because it helped me to visualize the explosive way in which this girl expressed her feelings to this boy. I love how you call the girl's emotions "colors" and how you provide a list of what she is sharing with him; the choppiness of the list really mimics the bursts of fireworks. The last line, "And he was amazed" made me smile because it shows the boy had a positive reaction to her openness. Maybe you could experiment with turning this into a concrete poem where you actually make the lines look like a fireworks display. Great job.