Follow The Angel | Teen Ink

Follow The Angel

September 20, 2009
By SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
26 articles 1 photo 12 comments

There's an Angel
and he comes down
without wings
to the ones with heartache
and promises happiness forever
they get what they were promised
except thats all he promised
the followers only feel happiness
when the ones the love die...
they laugh
when the feel pain...
they smile and giggle
they'll never feel anything
cept happiness
never experience love
now you want to follow the Angel
but are you willing to never experience love again
to get over the pain of a love lost?

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 20 2010 at 6:35 am
AndTheVinesSpin GOLD, Romulus, Michigan
11 articles 1 photo 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is the Movement" -TWLOHA
"Love is our weapon." -Christofer Drew
"I'ma get me a High School Diploma, even if I gotta steal one!" -ThisKidInMyMathClassLol

I like this. It puts a twist on something we all want; to just lose the heartache.

JamiBelle said...
on Apr. 30 2010 at 4:43 pm
Dude. this is amazing. I love reading everything of yours