A friendship | Teen Ink

A friendship

February 11, 2010
By Amber Freer BRONZE, Marcellus, Michigan
Amber Freer BRONZE, Marcellus, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A friendship lost,
A friendship gained,
Friends for now,
And then betrayed.

They say they care,
They say they would never hurt you.
But that’s just for now.
Cuz next month you could turn around,
With a knife stuck in your back.

And all the tears we cry,
Can’t be retained.
We can’t hold back,
What we feel anymore.
We feel like they left us lying on the floor.

They take our hearts,
Rip it out the front, those sneaky rats.
How could we not notice that?
We have to be strong.
Stand on our own two feet.
“Forgive, and forget, live and let live”
That’s what others say.
Most of them have felt this way.

We have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off,
And pretend like nothings lost.
Smile and wave, and try to be brave.

A friendship lost, a friendship gained. A friendship fixed and retained.
And again fixed, and then betrayed.

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