Living Life in a New Beginning | Teen Ink

Living Life in a New Beginning

March 19, 2010
By portuguessweetie SILVER, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
portuguessweetie SILVER, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments


His face looking downward.

Eyes squinting in his stare.

Seeming like he’s concentrating to hard.

Gnawing on his top lip.

Dead weight pulling,

him further to the end.

His lap supported his arms,

only movement was the twitting of his thumbs.

Frozen solid,

not able to take a breath of air.

Glaring into the distance,

afraid to fall.

All the different paths and selections,

Paths that take my mind in every mind bottling decision.

That fork in the road,

to the right leads to emptiness,

a black hole that expanse bigger,

to every person that enters.

Loneliness in addition,

feeling like no one like him.

To the left a chance to find happiness,

a chance that leads to a consequence of it not turning out as you please.

A chance of change for the better but hard on them.

Ever step makes the oceans too wide or make it become a puddle.

With every cook in every direction,

Kringing in his seat.

Holding on for dear life,

but wanting to let go with all his might.


never wanting to show,

forces beaming through that fog of the clouds

. Tear droplets running down his prickled face,

the buildup of disappointment,

contrast of pale soft skin,

to that midnight shadow.

Touching his face,

running his trembling hand against that shadow

Ready to take that first step,

First step to a new beginning.

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