Mysterious Sun | Teen Ink

Mysterious Sun

October 29, 2010
By Gadzooks GOLD, Kentwood, Michigan
Gadzooks GOLD, Kentwood, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Handle everything as gentle as you can. And what you cannot put right, you must make as little wrong as possible." Thomas Moore

The sun shines as brightly as an eclispe.
It engulfs and lightens.
It smells like trouble, feels cold, I listen its quiet as a mouse, I see nothing, I taste coolness on my tongue.
The darkness beacons the light felt on my arms.
The lights on the stage as Julia Robers performs in Hollywood.
No the sun was dark.
Dark as night and full of mystery and wonder.
OMG here it comes.
The stepsister walked in, adorned with beauty.
"Waiting for yesterday"
The purple mondey shrilled with laughter at the stepsister.
This was about as funny as a pop quiz.
KK likes to sing.
The notes will lead her to a new world a place that she can call her own.
The chalkboard with the notes will confused and distain him from his journey.
He will keep walking until he goes nowhere.
Ça va?
The sky will welcome them in with open arms, ready to serve them.
The eclipse is over but the night as come, the clock now chimes, but the wrong one comes. The things that are funny seem to trouble us the most.

The author's comments:
This is a mixture of different ideas. It's not supost to make any sense at all. Just funny and to make you think.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 22 2011 at 9:31 am
Look_to_the_stars BRONZE, Kentwood, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 24 comments

That is so good, and they have a um part two of wings out, its called spells.

-From The invention of fragences, how does that sound pretty poetic eh