A letter to an angel | Teen Ink

A letter to an angel

November 2, 2010
By J.E.S. BRONZE, Newport Beach, California
J.E.S. BRONZE, Newport Beach, California
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Dear loved one,
I would tell you that I miss you
But you are in everything around me
your voice is the laughter of everyone you've ever touched
your scent is the candle you gave that i thought i'd never use
your kiss is the wind that plays around my face on my home
your kindness is the encouragement and reassurance of those I know
your beauty is the ocean that sparkles when the sun hits it
your message is the people that you fed when you were starving
your spirit is I as I share stories of you with all
And you are this poem
So I will not bid you farewell
For you are ever present

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