Darkness, fear | Teen Ink

Darkness, fear

May 10, 2011
By weepingwillowfaire GOLD, Mesa, Arizona
weepingwillowfaire GOLD, Mesa, Arizona
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"bite me"

The darkness slowly closes behind me,
Closer and closer,
Every day I doubt or am brought sadness in my life,
It creeps closer and closer,
I feel it about to swallow me up,
Each day,
I fear that one day it will consume me,
One day,
And I would be trapped,
In my own imprisonment of terror,
That I will not see the light of day again,
Taste, the taste of food,
Or read a book again and enjoy
Its words of knowledge,
To feel the touch of a loved one again,
I fear that one day
The darkness will consume me
And all my sanity with it,
And I will go in sane with
The sorrow
And anger consuming
Every bit of my soul that is left of it,
And consuming me as well,
Each and every day,
The darkness creeps closer
And closer
Will the darkness
I don’t know
But the only times it does
Is when I’m happy,
Because of my loved ones around
Me showing that they care
Telling me every day that they
Love me still,
Every time it gets closer
I feel myself losing my grip on reality,
Of whom I am,
Of my surroundings
Who is friend or who is foe,
Losing grip of my soul I black out at times
Finding myself in unknown places,
Or finding I have hurt myself
I fear I might lose myself so much,
That I may hurt myself unknown in some way,
I’ve been trying to stop this
Darkness that lurks behind me
Saying stop, showing that it should stop,
Doesn’t seem to hear me
Trying so hard to STOP it,

The author's comments:
i was very emotional when i wrote this. i hope i try to understand how i felt. i hope u understand the concept of my emotions, my feelings.

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