"Safe" | Teen Ink


June 3, 2011
By Amber72272 SILVER, Bolingbrook, Illinois
Amber72272 SILVER, Bolingbrook, Illinois
8 articles 2 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You Are What You Say You Are You Do What You Say You Can"


You Think You're Safe Behind Those Victorian Walls,

Out Of Society's View But Within It All,

Safe In Your Home - Hearing What Happens Instead Of Experiencing It Yourself,


Do You Really Think You're Safe?

You Can't Hide From Demise By Materialistic THINGS

You Can't Hide And Have Even A Hope Of Being Safe

You Hear Of Shootings In Your City So You Seclude Yourself In Your Home - Away From It All


Is It Really Safe?

Sure It Is, You're Nice And Cozy In Your Home...

But What About Those Without A Home?

What About The People Out On The Streets Praying To God Every Night Hoping For Just One More Chance?

You Seclude Yourself Away From Them But They Need You,

You Could Be Their Saving Grace But You Just Want To 'Play Things Safe'

The Knowledge You Should Have Shared With Them Rots In Your Mind,

Those In Need Judge You For Not Helping Them When They're Doing All They Can To Make Things Better For The Family That Lives With Them Out ON THE STREET But They Need That One Leg-Up And It Never Shows,

You Never Show,

Safe In Your Home Built Up With Dirty Paper A Color So Green It Can Only Be Envy's Handiwork YOU LIVE AND THEY DIE,


How Safe Is A World Where We Only Think Of Ourselves?

The author's comments:
How Safe Are You Really?

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