Letter To You 3 | Teen Ink

Letter To You 3

August 19, 2011
By CarlyPierre DIAMOND, Stamford, Connecticut
CarlyPierre DIAMOND, Stamford, Connecticut
59 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Success is what you make it, Take it how it comes"!

To My Dear Noëlle:

I look to the heavens, expecting

To see stars and the night’s sky;

But I see only you, ever-present

In the cool evening firmament.

A deep breath, I close my eyes.

The ocean soothes my weary ears

With its low and gentle voice.

The waves speak in vain, though,

It is you I would rather listen to.

Your smell is an ambrosial essence like no other;

Its fragrance is a hand that caresses,

Calms, drawing me closer and

Receiving me by your side.

Your earthen-colored auburn hair invites me,

with tender notions of succor and ease,

To remain, and adore.

Your eyes; deep pools of affection and

warmth that tend to wounded hearts

with the care a gentle mother gives to her

small newborn child.

It is with you I could spend my hours.

Talking, listening, watching with no single

moment lacking captivation or loving-sentiment,

and no single moment being wasted.

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