The Life I Lived | Teen Ink

The Life I Lived

May 7, 2012
By SaraBear1016 SILVER, Ham Lake, Minnesota
SaraBear1016 SILVER, Ham Lake, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&laquo; It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows. &raquo;<br /> Epictetus

As I sit to think
A tear welled up in my eye
I wonder why, what have I done?
I have read the stories and hoped
And wished
And dreamed
And believed, until it was there
It happened so fast
So quickly, not long enough
to look twice
And it was gone
I, just a pawn
In this game
A game of nothing
But searing pain
The tears did not help
They threw my aching soul
Into agony
I felt the pain, the filth
That now surrounded
my broken
body and mind
Why did I do it?
Why was I so rash?
To play this game of love
That would never last

The author's comments:
I went through a difficult time in my life, and this was a way to pour it all out

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