In Our Minds Forever | Teen Ink

In Our Minds Forever

June 3, 2012
By Angie8Pizza BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
Angie8Pizza BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.<br /> -William James

I tried to say goodbye
There was no time
You were here one day and gone the next
You think you couldn't have made it
But without you here, I can't for sure
Your smile got me through the day
Your hugs wrapped me in pure, and endless love
And that I will never forget
You left us over 6 months ago
And still there are no answers
You never showed signs of how unhappy you were
All you had to say was help me
There were so many that could have been there
Me included...
You just didn't realize it
Are you happy up there?
I hope so, at least happier then here...
No-one had any idea of your plans
The last time I saw you,
you were the happiest boy around
Maybe because you knew it was the last time
That we would look upon you
I bet you wanted us to remember you like that
Having fun
Loving everyone and everything
But do you want to know how I remember you?
I see you wrapped in a blanket
Crying and just wanting to die
Then pulling the trigger
You were so young
Only 16
Your entire life before you
But you ended it all in under a second
Every chance of being something, or anything...
I bet you didn't expect what came next, though
Those who knew you and those who didn't
All grieving
No-one spoke
Except to comfort or cry
That was the worst day of my life
We have had four more kill-themselves since then
All such valuable lives
The effect you made on us will last forever
No matter what else happens
There will always be a place in my heart just for you
I thank God that even though you have left us
Your memory never will

The author's comments:
You don't realize how important someone is until they leave forever...

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