Older Brother | Teen Ink

Older Brother

November 27, 2012
By Willc12 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
Willc12 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Older Brother,

My life has been good.
It’ gone by so fast.
I can still remember the day I found out.
About you the person I never met or never will meet.
Sometime I think how it would be if u were born.
Would I still be here?
I sometimes think to my self how it would have been to know you.
How it would have been to have an older brother.
Would my life still be just the way it is.
Would this long road that I have to walk on be easier with you here.
I guess I'll never know though.
Then other times I believe that if u were here I would lose the two amazing sisters I have now.
I don’t blame you for anything.
I know you are watching over us at this moment.
I love you.
And, I hope to meet you someday.

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