My Thoughts | Teen Ink

My Thoughts

December 3, 2012
By Frenchy21 SILVER, Yuba City, California
Frenchy21 SILVER, Yuba City, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our Greatest Fear by Marianne Williamson

I sit here in the dark,
With no one for company but my thoughts.
Where is your compassion?
Where is your understanding?

It seems like every time I try,
You shoot me down.
I admit I hide a lot inside.
I'm not the best at venting.
I try not to show emotion or inner thoughts,

Thinking it makes me less of a man.
But now i wonder,
If I let everything out,
Would you understand?
Would reasoning overpower your anger?

It seems like a dream or a foolish wish.
But i need to know now,
Before it grows too late.

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