Our World at Peace | Teen Ink

Our World at Peace

December 18, 2012
By Love-AmberRae BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
Love-AmberRae BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world burns
With hate and greed.
A fire rages,
As I watch it bleed.

I stand here in silence
Absorbing the scene,
Seeing it all
From behind a glass screen.

Rising above it
Is peace and calm,
Lost hopes and dreams
Trying not to fall.

Within the moment,
All of time stands still.
And all I can ask
Is for no more ill will

If only the world
Could see it all,
Through the eyes of a child
So innocent and small.

Then maybe we
Would live without hurt,
Without suffering and violence
Or the wars we start.

All pain would cease,
And we would live our dreams
This would be our world,
Our world at Peace.

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