Daydreams | Teen Ink


December 10, 2012
By Hawaiilove BRONZE, Swansboro, NC, North Carolina
Hawaiilove BRONZE, Swansboro, NC, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Birds can fly
And I wish I could too
I would soar through the sky
Since I’m not afraid of heights
If I’d look down at the ground
I could find my home somehow
I would touch the clouds
Ask myself “how?”
Is it a dream,
Or reality?
Could I do loop de loops in the air
Feel the cool breeze through my hair
This is how birds or kites feel
As they sway away
I could fly anywhere
East to west, here and there
I’m free!
Suddenly, I wake from my daydream
“I’m so jealous of Peter Pan” I mutter

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