The Color of Indian | Teen Ink

The Color of Indian

January 9, 2013
By ram2006 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
ram2006 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Green is my goal
Of saving:
Sacred Earth
Treacherous Money
Necessary Sanity.
But no matter how much green is around me,
I’m still brown.

Yet Yellow is not me,
I can’t cheer for the heavenly shine
can’t belie under the stars
can’t see “the bright afterlife”
No, I don’t believe in faith
But, I’m still brown.

I rejoice under Red
Lust for blood and
Must shoot guns

sterile needles?
I’m still brown.

I am not
Gold, Purple or Gray--like Kate Middleton
in respect to Green
For as much as I want it,
I need to be,
and I am,

I’m brown because:
I follow realism
embrace logic
and exterminate BS,
I’m brown because:
melanin is cool
Affirmative Action runs rampant
and my 1,241,491,960 cousins
support me.
I’m brown because...I am.

The author's comments:
Inspired by my personal ideals and obviously physical attributes. Insights into interests and personal reflection and my own analysis of it. For others to gain insight and realization of the common teen.

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