Addicted to you n | Teen Ink

Addicted to you n

January 22, 2013
By french-fry SILVER, Santa Maria, California
french-fry SILVER, Santa Maria, California
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Time management," my Father

One touch
You have me realing
One look
My heart is pounding
One kiss
My head is spinning

Don't stop now
Keep them coming
Your touch your look your kiss
I'm addicted to you
Keep them coming

One sigh
And my stomach drops
One heart beat
My own flutters
One nudge
My whole body responds

Don't stop now
Keep them coming
Your sigh your heart beat your nudge
I'm addicted to you
Keep them coming

I love every moment of you
I drown in you
Like I once did elsewhere
I'm addicted to you
And I love you

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