Goodbye to the Girl | Teen Ink

Goodbye to the Girl

February 4, 2013
By Karli35 SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
Karli35 SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Goodbye to the girl,
who wanted the world.
Who wanted to invent herself.
To leave her legacy.

Goodbye to the child,
that was never wild.
Calm and collected.
Hiding behind a mask.

Goodbye to the daughter,
of a perfect mother and father.
Obedient and kind,
a quality desired.

Goodbye to the friend.
Enduring scars that won’t mend.
Isn’t it enough,
to keep the despair from growing?

Goodbye to the sister,
I truly will miss her.
Helpful and delicate,
a sibling’s best friend.

Goodbye to the athlete,
a characteristic found attracting.
Couldn’t take the pressure.
It buried and crushed her.

Goodbye to the student,
a language she spoke fluent.
Trying her hardest,
teased was the result.

Goodbye to the girl,
who wanted the world.
She is only a memory,
fading into nothing.

Disappearing like the seasons,
gone then reappearing.
Now it’s everlasting.
Goodbye to that girl.

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