Mother's Assistant: Kiowa Craddleboard | Teen Ink

Mother's Assistant: Kiowa Craddleboard

February 28, 2013
By SOCCER12345 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
SOCCER12345 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mom looks at her girl,
she is crying still.
Mom looks at father,
she is crying still.

Father is leaving,
she is crying still.
Mother picks her up,
she is crying still.

Dad needs to gather,
she is crying still.
A piece of long bark,
she is crying still.

Mother grabs the hide,
she is crying still.
Mother starts sewing,
she is crying still.

Added beads flowing,
she is crying still.
Her own little bed,
she is crying still.

The feeling of warmth,
she is not crying.
Now safe and upright,
she is crying still.

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