Stars | Teen Ink


April 8, 2013
By Saiyeh BRONZE, Philly, Pennsylvania
Saiyeh BRONZE, Philly, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dark beautiful starry Night. I sit on a lawn chair staring up into the abyss. The stars are windows from heaven looking down on my world. My world so broken and insignificant. Yet he knows me. He sees the darkness of my soul, but he loves me anyway. He sees every small imperfection I try to hide but he still says I’m fearfully and wonderfully made no matter what I do, he will always love me. i decide to sit and talk with him and tell him stuff he already knows it just makes me feel better knowing i could be honest with him. He makes up for those peoples in life who have let me down who say they wont say anything...but do anyway.he makes up for that mom or dad who forgot to call again he lets me know its okay to cry and he lets me know i will never be able to do this on my own.but that's okay too because he is going to be there when i need him. a cool breeze sends shivers down it lets me know i should probably go inside the temperature will soon begin to drop. i slowly make my way inside...but right before i do i look at the lights above my head and say "thanks for listening."

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