Watch Me | Teen Ink

Watch Me

May 1, 2013
By Social_Amnesia SILVER, Joliet, Montana
Social_Amnesia SILVER, Joliet, Montana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ll tell you a secret:
People are puzzle pieces
Scattered on the floor
Broken or missing
Picture peeling
Cardboard fraying—
Who knows what they’re supposed to be?
Strange little jigsaws, indeed.
And the things that they say!
Foreboding and eroding
Acid-base reaction.
Dictating to me what my picture is,
Claiming clairvoyance.
I am a lizard, they say.
A fat ugly lizard
With nowhere to go and nothing to do.
A fat lazy lizard.
Or worse, they say.
A slug.
But I can see clouds
Among the holes and cracks.
Can a slug fly?
Watch me.

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