With Thoughts Of Me | Teen Ink

With Thoughts Of Me

May 12, 2013
By ashley05 SILVER, Vienna, Virginia
ashley05 SILVER, Vienna, Virginia
8 articles 11 photos 0 comments

Often, Imagine us
together again-
holding hands and watching movies,
sitting on benches under the lovely trees.
together again-
with the whistling winds whispers-
together again,
hearing your laugh throughout the day,
and catching you smile
when you think i don't notice
I'm amazed by you

And all I can do is hope
that if you close your eyes
those bright green eyes,
together again-
with thoughts of me
your mind is filled-
with thoughts of me
with thoughts and pictures.
those pictures-

that one picture i have,
never forgotten, never lost.
embedded in my memory
those days we had shared-
oh those pictures-
together again

that one day,
the day of that picture,
those pictures-
everything vanished without reason
and with no clue
and no answer-

I I'magine-
Us here where we were,
where that picture was taken,
together again-
and I hope,
that one day,
those pictures-
are never forgotten, never taken away, and always with you, never vanished
like my love for you
embedded in your memory

Just know that my caring and feelings-
aren't vanished,
aren't disappearing,
aren't leaving,
and that picture,
shows my hope,
my love,
and my affection
that will be embedded for a long ways and days to come…
never forgotten, to never forget, to never love, never taken away and always with me.
With thoughts of you

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