The End | Teen Ink

The End

May 29, 2013
By ohkneeyol94 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
ohkneeyol94 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So many unanswered questions
Our lives are a mystery
“Pick me up at 7?” a simple question she asked him
They were going to see a movie
Their first date, their first kiss
Butterflies and rosy cheeks
9:48pm on a perfect Saturday night
They waited at the stoplight
He cursed in his head at that blinding red light that night
He couldn’t wait another millisecond to kiss that girl again
He leaned over to the passenger seat and puckered his lips
“It’s about time” she giggled and leaned into him
Their last kiss
And as their lips parted, the blinding light got brighter
But this time the light wasn’t red, and it was coming from behind
Horns, an ear splitting collision
Within 14 seconds two vehicles had been destroyed
And 3 people dead
Once blinking eyes are now frozen shut
Once pulsing veins are now still
Once a pumping heart that would skip a beat from the trickle of his loves fingers on his neck, is now no longer beating
Where did that life go?
What happened to the sight of those those 3 people?
Where did their memories go?
Their tears?
Their emotions?
What happens to our life when our hearts stop beating?
Where does the life inside of us go when it is our end?
What is the end?

The author's comments:
Deep thoughts...

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