I Don't Fit | Teen Ink

I Don't Fit

June 9, 2013
By im_epic BRONZE, Shreveport, Louisiana
im_epic BRONZE, Shreveport, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The truth told with bad intent beats all the lies you could tell. - William Blake.

1, 2, 3 – smile! How about no
I won’t smile, why should I?
I don’t fit in this picture
Or this family, or this life
My nails are too black, my hair is too wild
There’s too much slang in my diction and my grades are too low

I don’t fit in this picture perfect world of yours
Never about how you feel only about how you look
I can’t do it anymore- I just cant
You stripped me bare of my talents and shoved me in a box –
I can’t fit in this frame you’re putting around my life
You may see a perfect picture, but this image is still blurry

So 1, 2, 3 smile! How about no
There is never going to be enough memory on that camera to keep retaking this picture
So Dad change the lenses and Mom zoom out a bit
Oh, and don’t forget to turn off the flash
That didn't work either?
I guess I just don’t fit

The author's comments:
This is not about me,its just about somebody I use to know. Hope you enjoy it.

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