Blinded by Fortune | Teen Ink

Blinded by Fortune

July 31, 2013
By KayleeE GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
KayleeE GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a big purple room – the old woman wept
Clutching some pictures, she forever had kept
Draped in pure velvet; showered in gold –
Ivory colored silk gloves covered her shaky hands
And memories of the treasures, stung her like cold
How could this be? How could this have happened?
Twenty years were so quick; next she was at the chapel
Years with no love; furnished and platinum
Old rocking chairs, the creaky floor
Yet no story was to be told
Small smiles and sparkles hugs
And that beautiful Persian rug
How could this be? How could this have happened?
She was just twenty years old and found herself at the chapel
She had chandeliers and diamond rings and many sorts of fancy things
She had china trimmed with gold and lots of silver platters getting old
Her children were done raised; her husband was well paid
But what she wanted most was yet to be engraved
How could this be? How could this have happened?
At twenty years old she thought everything she needed would be fulfilled beyond that chapel
But love was mistaken and blamed for all the riches
For all the wishes and all the kisses
But there were never any misses
No true I love you’s or cuddling close, oh no
But there were elegant parties and glamorous gowns
And there were elaborate vacations and jewels fit for a crown
How could this be? How could this have happened?
Before she turned twenty all that she needed she had before that day at that chapel
She had love
She had peace
She had friends that she could keep
She had happiness with a man of whom she loved, before she split up
And went for a much wealthier one
How could this be? How could this have happened?
She did not open her eyes and see, that money cannot buy one’s happiness nor peace

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