To Love with Passion | Teen Ink

To Love with Passion

July 31, 2013
By KayleeE GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
KayleeE GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People say, “You’re seventeen, you could never understand what it is to be in love.”
But I fell in love many years ago.
Not with a person or a thing, yet with something quite extreme.
It’s not possible! It’s not so! But I’m the one who truly knows.
In school I daydream of it, repeating steps over and over in my mind.
I’ve experienced ups and downs, and have been hurt many times.
I’ve learned not to take what I have for granted, and once stood realizing what I love could be taken from me in a second.
It is sometimes scary, but the joy from this love is beyond many wonders.
I’ve cried, I’ve worked hard, I’ve fought for this love to happen.
This natural feeling; this natural commitment,
I’ve experienced urges and bursts of energy; powerful expressions caused from love
This passion is the strongest most controlling thing I have ever felt!
Take it from me and it is as if I have no air,
We have such a close bond other couples don’t dare.
Dancing is my true love.
Some do it because they want to,
I do it because I NEED to,
I do it because I fell in love.

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