The Unbreakable Tree | Teen Ink

The Unbreakable Tree

October 6, 2013
By BigManKurt BRONZE, Beverly Hills, Michigan
BigManKurt BRONZE, Beverly Hills, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trees help life follow its path,
Without showing rage or wrath.
They clean the air and it flows through hair,
Cooling off humans without a hint of despair.

Being so tall and not complex at all,
This building like tree will never fall.
This tree’s so strong and sturdy for me,
I want to climb through the bright colored leaves.

I swing around the tree being so free,
And then I notice the nature around me.
I don’t have any care,
I wish to live here.

I look upon its thick red branch,
And see a line of fire ants.
They march in line one by one,
Gathering food for their mum.

I stop and stare through the brisk morning air,
At this tree who shadows me.
I lay my head upon its root,
But then I see a great big brute.

He’s big and strong with his head held high,
With axe in hand mother nature cries.
He raises his axe towards the sky,
Then lets out a ferocious cry.

You see the birds,
Fly with fear.
All the deer,
Shed their tears.

After a couple swings, the man is done.
The tree shows him who’s the mighty one.
With head held low the man walks away.
Leaving his axe in a defeated way.

The whole forest sings in praise,
For the tree that lived another day.
The sun eventually fades away,
And nature’s smile is no longer grey.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by a tree that I saw on the internet, a Red Oak. I thought that it would be a great object to write about.

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