Where I'm from | Teen Ink

Where I'm from

October 15, 2013
By Chamii BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Chamii BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
''Never change who you are, if you dont need''

I’m from the straight and soft Light hair.
From the new a/c and small pictures, I’m From
The fresh air and strong perfume, The loud voice of my mom and the spicy food of my uncle.

I’m from the Bright and fresh smell of the red flowers, red as coral and beautiful as my mother.
I’m from take a lot of cute pictures with the family in Christmas and the white color of my family.

From my mom and my sisters, I’m from go to eat to restaurants and watch funny programs and have happy moments together.
I’m from clean my room and help my sisters, and Dora the explore song.

I’m from Santiago DR and the mom of my grandma, The good Dominican food, Rice, beans and chicken. From when my mom went to buy beef and one dog took it and run , She screamed a funny thing. I’m from where my mom keep pictures from when I was a baby in a book of wonderfull memories. I Describe myself as a happy person and who likes to help, I see my future as a good psychologist.

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