Game Over | Teen Ink

Game Over

November 8, 2013
By _jessicaolveraa SILVER, Greenville, South Carolina
_jessicaolveraa SILVER, Greenville, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No llores por el sol, porque las lagrimas te haran perder las estrellas.

Lights go off, darkness takes over.
Eyes are wide opened, no noise, no sound.
Screech after screech, nails on the wall.
It's time to close you're eyes and move into a new world.
Eyelashes sealed; no more coming back.
Still and frozen. Portal has opened, it's here.

You're getting close, it's getting close. She's here!
Take a step foward, your ancestors have crossed over.
Where's the portal? It's gone! Am I going back?
She's touching you soft, speaking, sound after sound.
Blood and all; she touches you still. Is this my new world?
Watch your back, they're coming through the wall.

Gray. No black and white. Mixtures on the wall.
The doors are opend. You're sitting, sitting here.
It's in black and white. It's a clone of your world.
A room filled with love ones, but you're all alone. Its over.
She's haunting you, you can feel it, she's here, but there’s no sound.
Shadows on the wall, we're back to back.

Lights turned on, still black and white. Did she go back?
She's a saint, she's a demon, she’s in each and every wall.
She's gentel, she's sweet, with a voice with a dark sound.
Blinking eyes, once, now twice, why am I still here?
Running to each block, its a maze. Game over.
Her white dress floats in the new fallen world.

Its a black and white world.
The portal! I can't go back!
It's done, it's all over.
They're closing, wall into wall.
She's here.
No sounds.

The people are gone, their faces aren't there, mouths moving, no sound.
The portal opens, should I go back to my world?
Should I leave, should I stay here?
She's fading away. Why do I have a feeling I’m coming back?
The streets light up, they're opening, each wall.
I'm leaving, her game's over.

I'll be here tomorrow night, I'm coming back.
The portal opens in the wall.
I'm out, she can't scare me, it's game over.

The author's comments:
Deams can be so real, they mess with your mind, and you can bet they're reality.

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