Aligator Eggshell | Teen Ink

Aligator Eggshell

January 21, 2014
By McLane BRONZE, Interlochen, Michigan
McLane BRONZE, Interlochen, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A chink in the armor, no,
More like an eggshell
If we’re gonna go with fragility metaphors.
But not a chicken egg, more of an alligator egg.
The alligator egg, leathery, taught,
Poked through by anything small and strong enough really,
But this time it was that bottle of vodka in the freezer.
I’d never really stopped to think about the liquids that couldn’t freeze in there.
The alligator coughs and bends his way out of his shell.
Another child might’ve screamed or run away, but I didn’t.
I stayed for another hour, until he stopped coughing.
Picked up the eggshell on the floor.
Slid it into my pocket.
Didn’t know what to do with it,
Maybe I’ll try scrapbooking it.

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