Lift-Off | Teen Ink


January 27, 2014
By MissRachelJay BRONZE, Ferryville, Wisconsin
MissRachelJay BRONZE, Ferryville, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Silently, I waited
Amidst the grass clippings and the dandelions.
The warm summer air tasted sweet
As it rushed through my nostrils and filled my lungs.

An empty and forgotten darkness
Was a blanket
Safeguarding each home on the street.

A faint beacon of light
Emerged from across the road,
Breaking the darkness like lightning in a storm.

A deep and incessant rumble
Grew into a roar,
And while at first only the grass trembled in fear,
The pavement now shook violently
Beneath my feet.

Tumbling winds lifted the delicate white tufts
Into the air.
A twirling and swirling snow storm
Of dandelion seed.

My muscles tensed
In anticipation for what was to happen
And what was happening.

The house across the street
Broke free from the mortar
That bound it to earth.
Sparks danced,
Shards of glass glimmered,
The cottage levitated.

The foreigners
Were returning

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem to accompany a piece of artwork that was found in the studio of a deceased writer. The drawing was of a home that appeared to be "lifting off" from the ground like a spaceship. It was such a mysterious and deep image that I felt I should put words to its meaning.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 1 2014 at 7:23 pm
AegidiusAurelius PLATINUM, Middleburgh, New York
39 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We have to let go of being petty and bitter, because they can be going through as much pain as you."

You have such a good style of writing and beautiful imagery! I really like your style and I hope to see more :) My teacher would've said this is a bit too wordy haha, but it's nice to see a good, budding writer. I hope to see much more from you!