Please Little Girl | Teen Ink

Please Little Girl

February 25, 2014
By brilovesyaa BRONZE, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
brilovesyaa BRONZE, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wish I had cancer.
Chemo. Please.
So my hair will fall out
And I will be thin.

Five Years.
Nothing changed.
Still remember,
That first day.
In small black ink.
When I told her.

Walked in,
Threw the page
In mother's hand.
Couldn't stay.
Couldn’t watch her cry.

I walked out.
Been walking ever since.

She had cancer,
I never knew,
When I sat there wishing.
Wishing Chemo. Chemo please.
Make me thinner.
Make me free.

It should be easier.
Each year, each day
But it’s not, never is.
Just sometimes I forget
Accidentally start living,
Start laughing.
I forget.

I’m not the only one.
Wishing. Begging. Please.
Make me thinner.
Make me free.

I wish I was.
I hate to think
That just one day,
One lovely day,
My little girl,
May be like me.

The author's comments:
Doesn't rhyme and the rhythm is funky, because when we speak its not perfect. Especially when we speak between sobs. It comes out broken. Here's for everyone who keeps going even between the tears and everyone who ever cried, many hugs, and much love. Never forget to live.

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