*Pain | Teen Ink


February 24, 2014
By KatieSS BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
KatieSS BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pain is not simply a broken heart.
Pain is not simply a smashed finger.
No, pain is something much more.

Pain is something which cannot be defined by words.
It is something that can be felt not seen.
It is a shadow which looms over you.
It is a storm cloud that never ceases.
It is something that cripples, immobilizes you.
A monster inside you,
Clawing, gnawing inside of you for a way out.
To find a way to expose its grotesque and mangled face.

Pain is something you try to hide.
You shrouded in darkness out of shame.
Faking a smile,
Laughing a hollow laugh.
Walking in slow strides.
Hiding the limp,
Hiding the grimace of pain,
Hiding the shame.
When all you want to do is hide,
Disappear into the walls as a chameleon would.
From shame that you cannot walk,
You cannot breath,
You cannot sleep,
You cannot exist without pain.

Pain is not something which comes and goes.
It stays with you always,
Bearing its jagged teeth and dark eyes.
Dancing in front of you,
Snickering at the tears it cause.

You may say you know pain,
But you do not know pain until you are plagued with it everyday.
You do not know pain until you are unable to walk,
Until you have to be pulled to your feet.
Unable to have control over your own body as pain has taken over.

You do not know pain until you are faced with the ridicule.
Taunting and laugh faces,
Mocking and point at you,
At your suffering.
Until you must deal with the naysayers who,
Just because they cannot see your pain it does not exist.

You do not know pain until you live with your entire life.
You do not know pain until it become all you know,
You do not know pain until it becomes you.

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