The Stage | Teen Ink

The Stage

March 17, 2014
By Aj.Neuhardt GOLD, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Aj.Neuhardt GOLD, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Come walk with me and help me cause trouble

The spotlight that burns so bright
The smooth wooden floors
I dance across
The Stage is my home
It’s the place where I can just be ME
Voices of singing come from it
A sweet Hallelujah
A Silent Night
Sounds of a string bass and a steel guitar
The way the drums beat through every heart in that audience
The way a dancer can break your heart
How a singer can pick up the pieces
I can make you believe any lie up there
I can transform anything into something beautiful
Actors don’t make the play good
The audience does
The stage isn’t a stage without someone to watch
Every night I hear the sounds of laughter
And the words of wisdom from a broken heart
Every day as the house begins to fill
I get a rush that begins at my toes
Not my head my toes
Then moves up my legs to my knees
I shake and quake as I watch the seats fill up
One by one they file in
My head starts spinning and I feel sick
Then I get on stage and I remember
The sounds of voices singing
And the beat of a drum that keeps me wanting more
I float like a swan across the stage
The spotlight shining down on me
I breathe in and start to sing
My fears go away
As I drift away
Farther and farther from that spot
To a world where no one sings of sadness
Only happiness
To a world where no war or bullying takes place
The stage is my home
And it will always be
As I hit that last long note
I open my eyes I see
Everyones standing
Everyones clapping
And their clapping for me
A tear rolls down my cheek
As I bow and walk left not right
Left not right
Off the stage
I breathe a sigh of relief
Another show done
Now that’s it’s over
I wipe my tears and close my eyes
I think about what just happen and I say
The stage is my home
As I walk outside
People are waiting for me
Not for the others
For me
I start to cry again
As I pull myself together
I start signing pieces of paper and clothes
All of these people wanted to see me
All of these people made me who I wanted to be
The stage is where it happened
The stage is how it happened
Now that I have everything what more could I want
After everyone leaves I go back on stage
I sit there and listen it’s silent
Then I hear the voices singing
A sweet hallelujah
And a silent night
That string bass and steel guitar
That low soft drum beating into my heart
That’s how I know i’m home
Because i’m on
The Stage

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