Slender | Teen Ink


April 14, 2014
By Rachel Timm GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Rachel Timm GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Take a look around; the trees are swaying in the evening breeze and the forest is darkened by nightfall.

It’s absolutely beautiful; you almost forget that it’s only a video game, the graphics and effects feel so immersive!

You raise your camera to your eyes, flick on your flashlight, and begin your trek into the forest. Why? You don’t know. You guess you’ll find out soon.

An owl hoots mysteriously and the trees rustle in the wind; my God, it sounds as though you’re right there! You can practically feel the cold evening breeze on your shoulders, sending a shiver down your spine.

You head deeper into the woods.

What is the objective? You haven’t been given a purpose yet, so what do you do? You wander aimlessly until you see a yellowed page from a notebook nailed to a tree.

You rip it down; “He is silent” the paper reads, with a picture drawn to accompany it. Scrawled out on the sheet was a drawing of a man; tall and lean, in a black suit and tie. But oddly enough, no facial features were drawn. He resembled the fabled “Slender Man” from those old stories.

No sooner than when you lower the paper, did you begin to hear a slight rustling. You shudder and turn, but you see no one was there. You shake it off; the night must be getting to you.

You continue deeper, flashlight shaking nervously in your hand.

Several more notes do you find, each one giving a vague description of an eerie man. “He follows”, “Nowhere to hide,” and finally “He is faceless.” You begin to wish you didn’t set foot in these woods.

Suddenly, a constant pounding echoes out into the night. You yelp, startled and fearful, and jump in the direction of the sound. It’s coming from the north, what should you do? The pounding continues, a constant hammering against your nervous psyche.

You follow the sound towards the base of the woods and stop behind a tall bush; the sound is so close now, it must be right in front of you! You muster up all your courage and peek out from the shelter. In the darkness, you see a man in a suit, hands full of notes, hammering one to the tree. Those notes were the same as the ones you’ve been picking up; was this the man who’s been deliberately trying to scare you?

“Hey, you!” you call, catching the man’s attention. He slowly turns to face you, and immediately you freeze, unable to move or even blink; it was the slender man, with white head barren of face or emotion, as he simply looked back at you. You scream and run, hoping the monster wouldn’t follow you.
“Wait, don’t go!” the slender man called, “I only wanted a friend!”

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