Never-Ending | Teen Ink


May 2, 2014
By Kellz1011 BRONZE, New Windsor, New York
Kellz1011 BRONZE, New Windsor, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain With You

Angry? Yes, heartless? No
Abused? Yes, but physically it won’t show
Hiding? Yes, afraid of more harm
Mentally, emotionally, just as much pain as a broken arm
Seeking? Trying , only pain reveals itself
In words, in tears, in ways you never felt
Pain that repeats itself like a broken tape
Just with different situations you cant seem to escape.

It seems like it’s never ending …

Through the struggle of agony that lives in my soul
With the feelings of hatred I no longer control
Through the depths of sorrow I can’t seem to pass
With the regrets and mistakes I thought would never last
My soul reaching out hoping to touch something I need
To guide me through this darkness so my mind may see
With the hope of one day becoming more than I am told
Waiting for the secrets of life to one day unfold

My hope is never ending …

The author's comments:
My Life

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