Honulua bay rain | Teen Ink

Honulua bay rain

May 3, 2014
By TheFallenDreamwalker BRONZE, Makawao, Hawaii
TheFallenDreamwalker BRONZE, Makawao, Hawaii
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why not change the world?"

The inauspicious cloud was slowly coming closer and closer towards me as it swallowed up the cliffs in its path
Its ominous presence was similar to that of a veil
blinding me from the world in front of me
so I could only see behind
Before I could see little boats dotting the ocean below me
now the foggy line where the opaque veil ended and the ocean began
was the only slice of clarity I could achieve
from this other wise omnipresent force.

Despite the rational side of my mind
I wondered where the cliffs covered in rich green
went when I could no longer see them
if the trees could see through the thick white veil
or if they were stuck in a clouded daze
as it appeared I would be in moments to come.

But I have yet to find the answer
because before the veil swallowed me
it stilled and retreated into the monstrous cave it came from
reveling all the trees
hopefully setting them free to the force of the translucent sun light.

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