Color | Teen Ink


May 16, 2014
By PoetBeyondTheWall SILVER, Oakhurst, New Jersey
PoetBeyondTheWall SILVER, Oakhurst, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fiery orange hair
Flowing over pale shoulders draped in psychedelic clothes
Sparking bright red flames that lap at the frosted green in the faded amber glass
Clear bubbling water churns up thick white smoke
Gray lungs breathe deep
Dark clouds disperse, blue skies emerge
Burning yellow sun beating down on the monochrome boy walking along black streets
Locking arms with the pale, orange haired girl, holding the faded amber glass which spews white smoke
Drifting through a rainbow world
Making our own color

The author's comments:
This piece is about me and my girlfriend along with the vibrant colors that surround us. People don't take enough time to notice just how beautiful our world is.

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