Evil's Touch | Teen Ink

Evil's Touch

June 1, 2014
By Wolvesbayne BRONZE, Perth, Other
Wolvesbayne BRONZE, Perth, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To me it suffices to wonder at these secrets and to attempt humbly to grasp with my mind a mere image of the lofty structure of all that there is - Albert Einstien

they cut, they crawl.
into the skin they gnaw and maul.
the mind awakes with strokes of insane. The mind now creeps, reeks and leaps with demon it now keeps. The owner, the victim now filled with depression. attacks itself in desperate need of attention. attention not from viewers discretion but attention from the demons connection. Wrists red, throbbing and pulsing. leaking its contents like a blood red fountain. The family never even knew what happened

The author's comments:
this piece was an idea that was planted and formed inside of a childs head. not depression but the demons (bullies) who caused it.

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