Roaming The Void | Teen Ink

Roaming The Void

September 22, 2014
By Violetshadepoetry SILVER, Chino Hills, California
Violetshadepoetry SILVER, Chino Hills, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all." Emily Dickinson

Roaming the void,
The empty thoughts that float in the air.
A sea of ideas buoying and rocking in a stale breeze.
And – I find – I’m getting lost; becoming tethered to a
Single entity which entices a plethora of tangents and loose ends.
“What ifs?” “When’s”
Extending into oblivion reaching the limits of
Infinity. All of which are rooted
To ordinary moments with gentle embraces.
Occasions of happiness with no expectations
A lost sense of release. Where my walls can be lowered
At least to where I can extend the chains
I have set upon myself. Breathing in this air
From an energy, this being so unexpected
Like a solar flare burning into my life and…
Here I am again.
Lost within the void of the void
Getting swept up and entrapped in the pull
Of these attractions.

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