I'm From | Teen Ink

I'm From

September 24, 2014
By OPHSCheerShaunShaun BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
OPHSCheerShaunShaun BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Im from Motor City .
Im from when failure is not is not a option.
Im from OHPS.
I come when looks is what really matter.
I come from babies having babies.
I come from where you get judge for what she or he have on.
I come from who look better.
I come from who thicker or who skinner.
I come from do whatever you got to do to fit in.
I come from when she smoke or he smoke you have to smoke  fit in too.
I come from who have more money .
I come from the streets of Detroit.
I come when your family is always around to support you.
I come from gameboys and gamecubes.
I come hid and seek.
I come from playing school in the basement with my cousin.
I come from Brady Elementary .
I come OPHS cheerleading team.
Im from ponytails.
I come from 25 cent bags of chips.
I come from the only child.
I come the Murder Mitten.

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