When I'm Tardy | Teen Ink

When I'm Tardy

October 2, 2014
By TheRhymingMaster2121 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
TheRhymingMaster2121 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You Have To Accept Failure To Get Better-LeBron James

The Tardy Bell, It’s one thing that I really hate
Everytime I hear that second one, I know I’m going to be really late,
I’m not trying to confuse you guys on what this means
I’m just trying to tell you guys that once I hear that first bell ring,
I got the green,

To go of course, I’m not trying to throw you guys off course
I just want you guys to not be tardy anymore,
When I’m in the hallway, I need to have my own bubble
And that’s what I need to stay out of trouble,
Like I said before, it gets me sore, then I crumble
Because now I have to run and try not to stumble,

The author's comments:

This poem is for people that hate being late or tardy!

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