Genocide | Teen Ink


November 25, 2014
By ThePoeticJustice PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
ThePoeticJustice PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
29 articles 0 photos 207 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hold fast and keep your head up high for life will pass right by you like a speeding bird if you don't acknowledge it- Charles Moorer III (me)

I met with Michael Brown last night and spoke with Trayvon Martin, we chatted about heaven and their cases and how things should've been different.

Eventually I felt sick and had to leave the meeting, but on my way out I ran into Rodney King. He was crying from the unjustice shown once again by the courts.

I couldn't take it anymore, I ran in hopes of escaping. But then came Oscar Green and Kimani Gray who were drinking coffee and speaking about their deaths.

I stopped at this sight and saw the city was filled with those killed. It seemed there was no end to it. I saw my ancestors and theirs and my family & friends.

But as I awoke from this dream I became restless and walked to the store. At the store I get into an arguement with the clerk and stormed out of the store.

Good thing I put down the purchase because here comes the cops. But while this goes on I flash back to poor Victor Steen and I get nervous.

Before I knew it I was on the ground, there were guns everywhere. A robbery?! I didn't do anything of the sort, why am I here right now?

Then they disappear and I find myself followed down a street. Another gun and hot temper. Where does it end?

The that disappears and I'm facing a gun to the head, execution style. Any last words? I think not, but before I breathe there's a shot.

To you I look suspicious, I'm not an angel. But I didn't deserve the bullets and broken bones that have me rotting in a casket.

Does it seem right to treaat me this way? Does anyone even care?For the system at work that consists of one word... Genocide.

The author's comments:

The tension is unbareable and the hate is raging. True, this poem isn't doing much but it sure helps channel anger and emotion, and bring us uptodate with current events from how a black teen sees it.

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This article has 9 comments.

on Apr. 22 2015 at 10:34 pm
ThePoeticJustice PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
29 articles 0 photos 207 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hold fast and keep your head up high for life will pass right by you like a speeding bird if you don't acknowledge it- Charles Moorer III (me)

thank you for reading XD

on Apr. 22 2015 at 3:58 pm
Jensen_Interceptor BRONZE, Berlin, Montana
3 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
The scientists and engineers who are building the future need the poets to make sense of it.
- Jason Silva

Definitely a fantastic poem! I'm more of a dark poetry guy myself so perhaps that's why I chose this one. Nevertheless, I found it thought provoking and powerful! Great Job!

on Feb. 7 2015 at 4:29 pm
ThePoeticJustice PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
29 articles 0 photos 207 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hold fast and keep your head up high for life will pass right by you like a speeding bird if you don't acknowledge it- Charles Moorer III (me)

thx packer lol,

on Feb. 7 2015 at 3:27 pm
Mr.packerbear12 SILVER, Minnesota Lake, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 105 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Judge lest not you be judged"

"Take the plank out of your own eye before the speck out of your brother's"

"live each day as if it's your last"

"God doesn't give you what you can handle, He helps you handle what you are given"

Wow, that really showed a good perspective of what is going on lately, nice job man.

on Jan. 31 2015 at 9:35 am
ThePoeticJustice PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
29 articles 0 photos 207 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hold fast and keep your head up high for life will pass right by you like a speeding bird if you don't acknowledge it- Charles Moorer III (me)

thx, casey. glad u liked it lol

on Jan. 30 2015 at 9:47 pm
CaseyChickenWang SILVER, McDonough,
7 articles 2 photos 89 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No one likes half-jinglers! Jingle all the way!" - Shelley McNeight
"You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate." - GSUMUN

Gosh love love this :) Very intellectual and thought-provoking piece. 5/5

on Jan. 19 2015 at 8:42 pm
TaylorWintry DIAMOND, Carrollton, Texas
72 articles 0 photos 860 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby." - Unknown

Haha, it's all good. Sometimes it's the things left unspoken that make the biggest impact. (:

on Jan. 19 2015 at 5:33 pm
ThePoeticJustice PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
29 articles 0 photos 207 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hold fast and keep your head up high for life will pass right by you like a speeding bird if you don't acknowledge it- Charles Moorer III (me)

Thx, taylor XD. That's really nice. Hope I catch up with you sometime, I love your work even though I haven't commented.

on Jan. 19 2015 at 4:13 pm
TaylorWintry DIAMOND, Carrollton, Texas
72 articles 0 photos 860 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby." - Unknown

You really know how to put words together to tug at one's heartstrings. First and foremost, I love your mention of specific historical figures that died of unjust reasons. The specificity is amazing, plus the fact that you raveled them all together is just beautiful. It's like one big story (which it is) that tells the unjustice and remaining bias against African Americans. The last two paragraphs of this piece are definitely my favorite because of the raw emotion packed into both of them. I totally believe everything you say in this piece because of those last two paragraphs. (I feel like you'd be really great at persuasive writing for this reason!) Anyway, I think you should consider resubmitting this piece under Discrimination of the nonfiction opinions section... You might get a different audience/feedback that what you will here. Overall, really gorgeous. Please keep writing. Dx I love your work.