Unity | Teen Ink


December 16, 2014
By Analisia Yazzie SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Analisia Yazzie SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each day voices get louder and bolder
It’s a new battle
One I know I can fight
It’s just fighting alone gets tiring
Looking for a soul who knows the pain
Is something far too hard.

Battling alone proves not only strength but wisdom
Too your weaknesses safe from a foe a true gift
Gaining scars for each fight won
A badge of honor.

I wear mine proud.
Knowing what I have done
What I have lost only to gain more
I hope you too realize
Alone we are still united.

The author's comments:

You can win stading alone, because truly you are never alone.

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